Paweł Szwiec

I spent my entire post-graduation career working in the aviation industry. I really wanted to stay in the industry after graduation, although despite my lack of experience it was not easy. Of course, I wanted to take up a job directly related to my field of study, but I quickly realized that professional experience after graduation would have to be patiently gained in the following years. After graduating, I already had a professional internship at LS Technics, which I completed at the airport in Katowice, where I observed the work of passenger service from the side of the handling company, i.e. work at check-in and boarding. In the following years, I remained in passenger service, but this time at the airport in Krakow. I started there working as part of a one-year ‘Need help’ internship and then spent another year working in information and at the airport hotline. To this day, I believe that working there allowed me to really learn how the industry works and how an airport, which is an extremely complex organism, functions. I spent the next two years working for the International Airlines Group – one of the world’s largest airline groups, including British Airways and Iberie. There, I was responsible for, among other things, data analysis and reporting in the purchasing department. Thanks to working at IAG, I gained knowledge about the functioning of airlines in such a large group as IAG.
I spent the next 4 years in Warsaw at PPL (Polish Airports), which manages, among others, Chopin Airport and has shares in most Polish airports. There, I dealt with airport and infrastructure fees as well as the development of the connection network. This period, despite the pandemic which in the meantime greatly disrupted the functioning of the aviation industry, was exceptionally fruitful for me. I gained invaluable experience and knowledge, which is undoubtedly one of the most important aspects of functioning in the industry – it makes work easier and allows for further professional development. In March 2023, I decided to return to IAG, where today I am responsible for optimizing the group’s operations in airports in the United States and in the English-speaking part of the Caribbean. Primarily, I deal with contracts related to the operation of lines in ports (handling agreements, airport fees, etc.) and the implementation of projects related to technological transformation. This requires close cooperation with both airport representatives and service providers at a given airport, including handling agents.
One of my greatest passions is aviation. It is extremely important to place your professional life in one of the areas that you are most passionate about. Thanks to this, work becomes a pleasure, and the desire to develop can take us far in our careers. Additionally, I am interested in history, transport (not only air), and sports and I love cooking.
Studying at UITM has given me a lot. First of all, it allowed me to develop my passion for aviation and start a professional activity in the industry. The university cooperates with many foreign universities, which allowed me to go to England to the University of Huddersfield as part of the Double degree program (Bachelor’s degree from a British university).
Looking at the last 10 years of my career, I must first of all emphasize that you must always persistently and patiently strive to achieve your goals, even if the path to them will not always be easy. This will allow you to achieve success. The will to develop and patience are key in this industry, which is susceptible to change and will always bring opportunities for further development. I think that in professional life it is worth being persistent in pursuing your goal and not being afraid to pursue your passions even despite the adversities that always appear on our path.
Through the website, we would like to support graduates’ initiatives and promote you and your achievements – not only those related to your professional career. We will be proud to post information about your successes. We want these publications to be an inspiration for other members of the Graduate Club and to be the driving force behind their activities.
Alumni Club
University Of Information Technology And Management
in Rzeszów
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fax: +48 17 866 12 32