Discount Program

Academic Center for Personal Development and Psychotherapy - free consultation

The Academic Center for Personal Development and Psychotherapy is an organizational unit of a service nature, functioning within the Human Resources Management Division.

Careers Service and Personnel Counseling Office

The activities of the Careers Service of the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow focus on helping students and graduates make the transition from the study period to the job search stage.

The Personnel Counseling Office is responsible for, among other things: analyzing personnel needs, conducting comprehensive recruitment processes, identifying and analyzing training needs and creating training programs and providing training services for the University.

Clickmagic online marketing agency -10% discount on all services!

We are proud to be able to support graduates of the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów! As part of our special offer, UITM graduates can take advantage of a unique 10% discount on all services offered by the Clickmagic online marketing agency.

College of Management University of Information Technology and Management

Financial Lab is special place with character of “dealing room” designed and manufactured in innovation way, designed to enable educational and scientific research goals.
It is located in the Center for International Education at the campus of the University of Information Technology and Management (UITM) located in Kielnarowa.

College of Media and Social Communication University of Information Technology and Management

InternetBeta is an extraordinary Conference that brings together a variety of environments, related to the Internet and new technologies.

In today's globalized world, the ability to speak foreign languages is essential for an organization to grow and maintain its position on the international stage.

International Student Support Office

International Student Support Office (ISSO) is a university unit that coordinates adaptation and integration activities addressed to the UITM academic community, with special attention paid to foreign students. The office is responsible for running the Adaptation Counseling Center; coordinating the Buddy Program; providing support in issues related to legalization of residence, health insurance and diploma nostrification; and providing language support for foreign students writing their diploma theses in Polish.

Medical College University of Information Technology and Management

The Biomedical Research and Services Center operating within the structure of the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów is the result of the commercialization of the latest achievements of science and technology. This synergy allows you to realize the boldest, unconventional idea for a unique preparation. From formulation, through safety assessment, all necessary tests, to registration of the cosmetic and its introduction to the Polish or European market - the Center's team, step by step, carries out tasks that result in the release of the final product.

Alumni Club

University Of Information Technology And Management

in Rzeszów

Sucharskiego 2, 35-225 Rzeszów,

room 45, tel. 17 866 13 18, 17 866 11 55

fax: +48 17 866 12 32