2025-02-13 12:30
Signing of UITM's cooperation agreement with Mobitouch and “Rector's Coffee with a Graduate”
Yesterday's “Rector's Coffee with an Alumni” had a unique character. UITM alumnus Paweł Janda, currently CEO of Mobitouch, was the guest of the meeting. The meeting was an opportunity to sign a cooperation agreement between the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów and Mobitouch, which became a strategic partner of the IT faculty.

2025-01-28 13:00
Joanna Brożyna - a guest of “Rector's Coffee with the Graduate”
The guest of January's “Rector's Coffee with a Graduate” was Joanna Brożyna - a graduate of Digital Communication. Currently, she works as a leader of the department for Google Business Profile at KS Agency. On a daily basis, she coordinates the work of the department, takes care of its members and develops creative solutions both for the needs of the company and the marketing of clients.

2024-12-17 13:00
Michał Mucha was a guest at “Rector's coffee with a graduate”
Michał Mucha, a Management graduate, was a guest at December's “Rector's Coffee with a Graduate”. He currently serves as director at TYWENT Fan Factory. He works with local authorities and associations and is active in the local community.

2024-11-25 00:00
Nikola Stelmach was a guest at “Rector's Coffee with a Graduate”
The guest of November's “Rector's Coffee with a Graduate” was Nikola Stelmach - a graduate of Nursing and Midwifery, head of the student group and winner of the UITM sympathizer contest. She currently works at the hospital in Neonatology with Neonatal Intensive Care as a midwife, and at a multi-specialty clinic and a private orthopedic clinic as a nurse.

2024-10-21 13:00
Mufida Nazri - a guest of “Rector's Coffee with the Graduate”
Mufida Nazri, a Physiotherapy graduate in the 2021-2022 academic year, was a guest at the October edition of “Rector's Coffee with the Graduate.” She currently holds the position of Manager of the Outpatient Clinic and Manager of the Medical Training Center for Foreigners at the Medyk Medical Center, as well as Manager of the Medical Equipment Rental Facility at the Medyk for Health Foundation.

2024-06-20 12:00
Michał Godek was a guest at “Rector’s Coffee with a Graduate”
The guest of the June meeting in the series "Rector's Coffee with a Graduate" was Michał Godek - a 2021/22 graduate of the physiotherapy major. He was a physiotherapist in sports clubs and a therapist for children with disabilities, and currently works as Director of the Long-Term Care Center in Łańcut.

2024-05-22 12:05
Revathy Seelan was a guest at “Rector’s Coffee with a Graduate”
Revathy Seelan, a graduate of Computer Science with a specialization in Network Technologies, accepted the invitation to another "Rector's Coffee with a Graduate." In a conversation with Rector Prof. Andrzej Rozmus and Vice Rector for Teaching Dr. Barbara Przywara, Revathy admitted that Poland has become her second home and she has become deeply attached to our country.

2024-04-10 13:31
Anita Gac was a guest at "Rector's Coffee with a Graduate"
Anita Gac, a graduate of English Philology with a specialization in translation, was a guest at the April meeting in the series entitled "Rector's Coffee with a Graduate". Monthly meetings of UITM alumni with Rector's Authorities are aimed at maintaining ties, cooperation in many common areas, i.e. business lodges, student workshops, student internships, projects and business cooperation, as well as developing the activities of the Alumni Club.

2024-03-21 10:00
Paweł Lubiński is a guest of “Rector’s Coffee with a Graduate”
An invitation to another "Rector's Coffee with a Graduate" was accepted by Paweł Lubiński, a graduate of the Software Production Engineering specialty in the Computer Science major. In a conversation with Rector Prof. Andrzej Rozmus and Vice Rector for Teaching Dr. Barbara Przywara, he talked about, among other things, what he got out of his studies at UITM and the prospects for the IT industry.

2024-02-23 13:10
Yujun Sun is a guest of “Rector’s Coffee with a Graduate”
The next meeting in the series entitled "Rector's Coffee with an Graduate" was held with Yujun Sun, an alumnus from China. Our guest finished studies on the specialty of General Aviation Management in 2020. The purpose of monthly meetings between UITM alumni and Rector's Authorities is to maintain ties, cooperate in many common areas, i.e. business lodges, student workshops, student internships, projects and business collaborations, as well as to develop the activities of the Graduate Club.

2024-01-24 14:00
Łukasz Lasek is a guest of "Rector's coffee with a graduate"
January meeting from the series entitled "Rector's coffee with the Graduate" took place with Łukasz Lasek, a graduate of Economics. The guest of the meeting has been dealing with logistics, transport and forwarding since his third year of studies. Meetings of UITM graduates with the Rector's Authorities are aimed at maintaining ties, cooperation in many common areas, i.e. business lodges, workshops for students, student internships, projects and business cooperation, as well as developing the activities of the Graduate Club.

2023-12-15 12:00
Karolina Majowicz-Czaszyńska is a guest of "Rector's Coffee with a Graduate"
December meeting from the series entitled "Rector's coffee with the graduate" took place with Karolina Majowicz-czaszyńska, a graduate of two fields - Public Health and Cosmetology. Monthly meetings of UITM graduates with the Rector's Authorities are aimed at maintaining ties, cooperation in many common areas, i.e. business lodges, workshops for students, student internships, projects and business cooperation, as well as developing the activities of the Graduate Club.

2023-11-29 12:00
Michał Duplaga is a guest of "Rector's Coffee with the Graduate"
The next meeting in the series entitled "Rector's coffee with the graduate" took place with Michał Duplaga, a graduate of two fields - Computer graphics and multimedia production and Management. The purpose of monthly meetings of UITM graduates with the Rector's Authorities is to maintain ties, cooperate in many common areas, i.e. business lodges, workshops for students, student internships, projects and business cooperation, as well as develop the activities of the Graduate Club.

2023-10-12 12:00
"Rector's Coffee with the Graduate" - a new series of meetings with UITM Graduates
A new series of meetings entitled "Rector's Coffee with the Graduate" are monthly meetings of UITM graduates with the Rector's Authorities. The aim of the meetings is to maintain bonds with graduates, cooperate in many common areas, i.e. business lodges, workshops for students, student internships, projects and business cooperation, as well as develop the activities of the Graduate Club.

Alumni Club
University Of Information Technology And Management
in Rzeszów
Sucharskiego 2, 35-225 Rzeszów,
room 45, tel. 17 866 13 18, 17 866 11 55
fax: +48 17 866 12 32